Super Text | Geometry Nodes setup for Text animation
Super Text is a Geometry node setup for making text design and animation in Blender. The perfect complement to any video that needs 3D text, great for Motion Graphics
A quick map of where to change the Super Text settings
Design Features
You can achieve a complete custom design with the 7 nodes (Main Extrusion, Stroke, Instances, Custom Object, Plasma Fill, )
and you can also achieve a good-looking design with the Simple design node
You have options like:
- ON/OFF each piece of the text (main extrusion, steps, instances along curve, custom objects)
- Select materials for each part of the design (Procedural or image-based textures )
- Bevel and shade smooth options
- Round corners
- Trim and offset the strokes and many more!
Design tutorial (English captions)
Animation Features
- Basic transformations: Translate, rotate, and scale
- Add random transformations and change the seed
- Stagger animation (or not) you choice
- Turn ON/OFF the IN or OUT animation with one click
- Custom the easing
- Line delay
- Change the pivot point
- Choose between Lienar or spherical animation and preview their falloffs
- Set IN and OUT animations completely different
Animation tutorial (English captions)
SVG Workflow
Super Text Lite (Free version)
V1 (release, September 2022)
- Custom animation easing
- Transform options: rotate, scale, translate
- Text on curve
- Independent IN/OUT animations
- You can set any custom material for each part of the text (only procedural materials)
- Turn on/off stagger animation
V2 (December 2022)
- Fix Errors
- Remove Text on curve option
- Completely remake of Design nodes, now we have a Simple Node design and multiple nodes for custom designs: Fill, Stroke, Instances, and Custom Object
- UVMapping in order to support PBR textures
- Add random to transformations (animation)
V3 (April 2023)
- 3 new node groups for Text Design: Plasma Fill, Plasma side, and Wireframe/Instances
- Normalized animation values: now the animation values always will be between 0 an 1, independently of the long of text or effector size
- Radial animation option (appear from the center) added
- Line delay option when is a multiple lines text
V4 (September 2023)
- Super Text now also works with SVG curves, with 2 new node setups
- Remake of some design nodes to improve performance and easier use
- Now change the pivot easily for rotation, scale, translation
- The Text on curve feature came back from version 1
- Some parameters remapped between 0 and 1 or -1 and 1 for easier and more understandable use
- Now the parameters that most affects performance are marked with an * so that they are easily identifiable
V5 (January 2024)
- Node tree simplified
- Now set the line breaks writing an asterisk *
- Preview Pivot point
- Preview Falloffs
- Random transformation: constraint the axis
- Spheric Falloff: position control
- Fix on the Custom node object
- New tutorials updated to version 5
¡All updates are Free!
Super Text is a Geometry node setup for creating text animations. Customizable design, no destructive. The perfect complement to any video that needs 3D text, great for Motion Graphics
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